Budget Organization Tips For Your Storage Unit

30 September 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you need to rent a storage unit but don't have a lot of extra cash, you don't need to sacrifice your organization needs. You still can have an organized storage space by using free everyday items that are around you. Here are four budget-minded tips when it comes to organizing your self-storage unit.

1. Reuse Shelving and Cabinets

If you have shelves or cabinets in your home that you are going to throw out, these can be great assets for a storage unit. Cabinets can be brought in and used to store items you might need to access quite a bit and shelving can be given a second life. Old cabinets and shelves can be discarded when you eventually move your items out of storage.

2. Source Boxes from Grocery Stores

Asking around at grocery stores is a great way to get a variety of different sized boxes that can serve different purposes. For example, wine boxes can be perfect for storing shoes, while boxes that are more enforced can be great for books. Many times, stores just throw out larger bins and boxes that are used for shipping. You may have better luck mid-month, since people tend to move around the first and others may be looking for boxes as well.

3. Line Larger Boxes With Smaller Compartments

You don't need to splurge on storage organizers if you can create your own. While there are bins on the market with smaller spaces to keep items organized and easy to find, you can easily do this yourself. Keeping old tupperware, plastic take-out containers, and closable tubs for sour cream and such can create perfect organized spaces within a larger, sealed boxes in storage.

4. Lay Down Pallets to Keep Items off of the Floor

While you might not have the money to invest in a new shelving unit for your storage space, getting your boxes and items off of the floor to increase airflow and reduce mold and mildew should be a priority. This can be as simple as sourcing shipping pallets from a store nearby and laying these down in your storage space before stacking your items.

While there are plenty of storage organizing ideas out there that you can pay for, there are just as many that are low cost if you can get creative. Utilizing what you have around the home or what local stores don't need can save you some money can keep your items organized and safe in storage. Contact a company like Route 37 Self-Storage for more tips.
